We build AI Agents to help businesses realize multiplier impact

By using Generative AI & Automation to power your AI transformation journey

Increase SALES

By engaging customers faster, better and more proactively, with consistent quality and 24/7 availability.

Multiply productivity

With AI doing a wide range of repetitive work for your team and multiplying business volume handled per staff.

Scale Sustainably

With AI powered processes and training increasing organization’s resilience to staff churn.

Like our clients, we want to help you realise

ROI from increased sales
Increase in manpower productivity
What we provide

We Specialize In Conversational AI

Our GenAI Conversational AI Agent, powered by Large Language Model (LLMs) like ‘ChatGPT’, understands free form language and responds to the point in any dialogue sequence. Like a human who is way superior to the old ‘Chatbot’.

Our AI Agent can learn your organisation’s SOPs & knowledge base, as well as continuously improve based on human feedback.

Powering conversations across a range of platforms, from Whatsapp, social media chats to email.

Our Conversational AI Drives Your Sales & Service  

From handling leads to getting referrals




Service Package

Customer Engagement

Sentiment Analysis

We Build AI Agents For Internal Operations

Covers any digital task that can be defined in clear steps

HR Recruitment

Specialist Staff Training

Internal HR / IT Support

Automated Data Entry

Documentation & Verification of Parts

Natural Language Data Analytics

& More…

Our Unique Approach

Our approach combines our proprietary AI architecture with a collaborative client partnership. 

We tailor your dialogue flows using industry best practices

From prompt engineering, to dialogue flow building, to putting in guardrails, we ensure your clients have the best experience.

We integrate the AI agent to work with your existing systems for maximum gains

We want to realise the multiplier impact from seamless information flow. The last we want is new work for your team to transfer information manually between the AI agent and your systems.

We provide for AI to hand over control to humans where appropriate

You have the capability to monitor what the AI does and intervene if necessary. You can also calibrate the situations where AI hands over to human.

We optimize running AI costs for you

We use a range of optimization techniques to lower the AI tokens’ cost for each conversation.

We uphold data privacy & security

We ensure separation of private and confidential data from AI systems and third party services, and employ industry best practices in data security.

We prepare your team to work with AI

We provide the necessary training to your relevant teammates to work effectively with AI.

We track outcomes together with you

We collect data and work with you to ensure your ROI is realized.

Trusted By

& More

AI won’t replace humans.
But humans with AI will.